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Post by Shad »

Fells didn't like them. They were bears, so of course she hated them. Was terrified of them. But that didn't make Era any less curious about the strange creatures who had taken up residence by the waterfall. "Pandaren," Erilahl had called them when she mused about their presence in the Rose-sponsored communications channel. Era settled in to watch them from the edge of the tiny island, his tail flicking at the tip, and mentally compared them to the adorable black-and-white bear cubs that had once been all the rage as pets for the elite. Yep. Giant talking pandas.

But where the average panda cub had been clumsy and lumbering, these pandaren were anything but. They were focused, quick, striking their practice targets with precision and without seeming to tire. Then, of course, there was the floating chick. The green light in which she was bathed didn't reek of arcane, and though she looked almost asleep, Era got the feeling she could kick his ass if he so much as tried to sniff her.

The typically bulky gentleman who eventually seated himself next to the cat did so with all the grace of a dragonfly. He was silent for a long while, speaking only when Era finally turned to him with an accusatory glare. "You are curious," he stated simply.

"I'm a cat. Of course I'm curious," Era snarked in return.

The pandaren simply smiled. "Ask, then."

"These...your...your people," Era began after a (not very effective) moment to organize his thoughts. "They've got so much control an' calm. I been watchin' at least an hour, an' they've all been in the same places, doing the same routines, an' not one'a 'em's got frustrated or thrown a fit. An' physically, they're all fat, but they move like they're made'a feathers." He paused for a moment, as though to let his own brain catch up with his words. "I mean, no offense, but you guys are fat."

"I suppose we are, relative to your kind," the stranger chuckled. "Control over the self is the path we follow under Aysa Cloudsinger. Is this a strange thing to you?"

"Yeah. Well, I mean, no, not...." Era shook his head. "My elf's got control most'a the time, he..." A paw was waved at a trainee who knelt by the water, staring calmly into its depths. "...he meditates and stuff, but even he loses his temper. I kinda get the feeling I couldn't get you to lose yours no matter what I did." Another chuckle shook the stranger's belly before Era continued. "The floating chick is Cloudsinger, I take it?"

"Yes. And I am Zhi-Ping." He offered a small bow. "And you are?"

"Era. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine."

They fell into silence once more, enjoying the music of fists and feet slamming into grain-filled targets, of voiced energy backing vital strikes. If he closed his eyes, it reminded Era a bit of the drums and songs of the Vale. It was still lonely sometimes without them. "Is this...all that's left of your people?" he thought to ask.

The pandaren shook his head. "No. There are many of us still hidden in the distant mists. But not for long, I think.” His smile faded slightly. “Not all of my people follow this path. Some believe that strength, inner fire is more important. Neither path is wrong, and both are required for balance within a society. But to excel, individuals must choose.”

“Wait, why’s that sad? For your relative value of sad?”

Just as he had settled, Zhi-Ping rose effortlessly to his feet, his smile renewed. "That is a story for another time, I fear. It is time for me to meditate. You are welcome to join me whenever you wish, Era." With another bow, he turned and headed toward the island's lone tree.

Era watched him go through narrowed, analytical eyes. Is this a strange thing to you? Yes. It was weird, it was unnatural for people to be so calm. Tempers were there for a reason. Anger was what kept you alive in a good fight. Join him? Ha. Meditation was for elf, and calm was for doormats. He got to his paws and turned away, reaching within for wings.

The thought that came next was so clear and loud that he thought for a moment it had to be the elf meddling in his mind.

Aaaand your best example of temper being a good thing is...?

Once he recognized the source as his own conscience, he surprised himself again by actually thinking about it.

Clearly not dealing with Mellery and that stupid squirrel. That had been a disaster. His rage had gotten him into trouble when Zeve had entered his life too, and he regretted not just everything he’d said in its throes, but things elf had said when his own temper had gotten the best of him. Didn’t Fells need a good shouting match now and then? But who moved her more in the end, Shael with his calm questions or Laurus with his fuming demands?

Not Laurus with his...

his loa-damned...

scum-sucking smug fucking son of a bitch

Zhi-Ping didn’t flinch at the approaching flurry of paws. He only smiled when cat twisted into elf and awkwardly settled beside him. “Sit however you are most comfortable, Era. Relax, and to start, simply breathe.”
I don't know if you know this, but baby bears are precious and soft. --Mylune
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Re: Control

Post by Aelflaed »

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[5.OOC] Beltar: Hammer of What The Fuck Were You Thinking
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