The Descent.

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The Descent.

Post by Yva »

Sky soared above Icecrown, beating her wings as fast as she could. Her thoughts were addled – there were too many things going through her mind, too much pressure to make decisions she wasn't sure she should make right now.

It was a mistake. Or was it? You've enjoyed yourself until now. If there were happier times, then perhaps they're worth holding onto?

The air grew crisper and colder the higher she flew. It was night, yes, but the moon was full and she could see clearly. The clouds above were thick and gray, dense with a threatening storm, but she paid it little heed.

You were having such a good time and then you weren't. It was so fast. No one should be able to do that to you. No one should be able to ruin you for an evening.

Around one jagged mountain and then another, she zigzagged, a darting shape against the dangerous peaks. She knew this territory, flew it often for fun on better days. Familiarity drove her east, to the thoroughfare between the vrykul cities southwest of the Ebon Blade's domain.

Climb higher. You can do it.

She pointed her beak towards the heavens just as the lightning began. Thunder rumbled almost immediately after the first spark, which meant the storm was near. Rain began to pitter patter against her wings, drenching her quickly.

You owe them an apology for taking off like that. So stupid. It's not their fault, and you're punishing them for your own mistakes.

“Home,” she rasped, suddenly forcing herself into a loop. She turned back, pointed in the vague direction of Dalaran, with an ungainly shriek of a caw against the silence of the Icecrown night.

There was more thunder, more lightning as she tilted to her right, gliding down the side of the mountain, running parallel to the terrain. Jumbled images flashed through her mind, taking her attention away from the course at hand.

It was likely the reason she hadn't seen it.

There was only one warning sound – the click of bones, the rattle of a skeleton moving thanks to the dark magics granting it life - and then there was agony. The frostwyrm's claws dug into her back and she screamed, feeling it penetrate through her feathers to the flesh beneath. Pain burst in her side, but it quickly gave way to an unnatural numbness.

Poison, some of them poison with their claws.

She jerked her body right, beating her wing hard and twisting to lose the creature's hold. There was a sickening squelch as she pulled free, and something warm dripped down her side onto her belly. The frostwyrm roared above her, trying to get another grip, but she twisted around, her breaths coming hard and short as she forced herself to plummet. It dove at her twice more, and she narrowly avoided it and a particularly nasty edge of jutting rock in the mountain side.

To the ground, get to the ground!

She aimed down, every flap of her wings growing more labored. The venom was making her tired, she couldn't feel one of her feet now, and every motion seemed overly exaggerated, like she'd taken too much nip. Soon, the rattling lurches of the frostwyrm were at least ten feet behind her, and then fifteen. There was relief that she was going to land, going to be able to remove the toxin from her system and heal herself back to working condition. She could stone and get home, and worry about things tomorrow after a good night's rest.

The first icebolt struck her tail feathers and froze them over. Her eyes went huge as she glanced over her wing to peer back at the undead monster. She saw the creature's maw open, its huge mouth gaping wide as another spell launched itself at her, unnaturally bright and shimmery in the night dark.

Your box, call them on your box. Call someone.

Her talons clicked in desperation, trying to press the 'on' for her frequency, but then she remembered the sound the box made as it splooshed into the water and gurgled its last in Ashenvale.

The ice struck her, and she heard a crackling sound as it latched on, coating her in a glittering, thick sheath that hindered her wing from moving at all. There was momentary panic, a momentary realization that something was about to go dreadfully wrong.

And then she fell.
Last edited by Yva on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Yva »

The first one approached the limp figure with a stick. He poked it and grunted, spitting a wad of black tobacco out the side of his mouth. It plinked as it hit the tin bucket. He crouched low, his eyes narrowing to slits as he examined his find. He had to sweep limp, oily black hair away from his forehead to be able to see.

“What is it?” the second, older warrior asked, hobbling up to peer over his shoulder. He took his spear from his back and used the dull end to prod the feathered form as well. There was no movement, there was no indication the thing was alive even after a few vicious jabs.

“Some kind of bird looks like. Violet plumage. Its colors are bright.”

“That's no bird I've seen in Jotunheim before, Brother.”

“Nor I.”

There was thoughtful silence save for the second vrykul taking a long haul of bitter from his canteen. He belched and rubbed the back of his arm across his mouth. Droplets of alcohol glistened in his beard.

“I don't dare eat it,” the first grumbled. “It looks tasty, but it may have been here a while.”

“Aye. Who knows how long the maggots have been at it.”

“We should take it to her, then.”


The taller, younger warrior pushed himself to standing. He reached forward, wrapping leather clad fingers around the fallen bird's claws. “The Bone Witch'll know what's to be done with it, if it's for eating.”

“Mayhaps there'll be a stew after all.”

“Only if you carry her currency.”

The second soldier lifted a belt of bone and skulls, shaking it so the dead things clicked together, making an awful sort of music. “I pay well for her favors.”

“Let's hope you do, Brother. Let's hope you do. My belly's empty and night is falling fast.”
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Yva »

Seylon Jh'Talith was not a woman given to superstitions, needless worry, or brooding. She was cool under pressure, it was her job to be cool under pressure as a teacher of sentinels and a shield warrior of Darnassus. Yet today – the fourth day of silence from Skyborne – she was pacing enough to wear holes in her rugs.

“Ain't normal. She don't blow off her brother. She comes on Sundays for lunch an' Tuesdays for breakfast, an' she didn't show neither time. No peep on the damn box, no nothin'. Even that cat of Shad's ain't heard nothin.”

Aleros looked at her and frowned. On his lap, Khallar hiccupped, his pale face red and tear stained.

“Tikky,” the baby whimpered.

“He doesn't normally fret so much, either. The last time . . . “

“Was Fedwyn shit, I know.”

Sey pulled her fingers through her hair. Every time Aleros left, Khallar screamed. When Aleros came home, Khallar was still miserable – still cried – but at least the screaming stopped. She couldn't calm him, hadn't been able to calm him since late Friday evening and she'd given up trying. Instead, Aleros stayed home with them, helping her soothe him and keep him as placated as possible.

“M'goin' lookin',” she finally said.

“Where? She could be anywhere. Or, you know Sey-Sey, I could go instead. My nose . . . ”

“No, that ain't gonna work. Baby only stops shoutin' when you're here. He needs ya now. I guess . . . well I guess I'll start with the innkeep. Think she was stayin' in Dalaran the last few. Maybe they'll know somethin'.”

He stood, propping Khallar on one shoulder. There was a bit of restlessness, Khal kicked and fidgeted, but he quieted down soon enough. Aleros laced his fingers into Sey's hair and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

“Good luck then. Tell me what you'll find. I'll see what I can do from here.”

She grunted her thanks and made for the door.
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Yva »

The bone witch stared at the two vrykul before her.

“This is it then? This is why you wake me from my slumbers? Do you not know how busy I am?”

The older warrior shifted his weight uncomfortably. “We bring your due, Witch. Skulls of the fallen, fingers of our great dead. We would not idly waste your time.“

“Shut your ugly mouth.” Her eyes went past him, to the still purple lump on the ground behind him. “That is your find then? A dead bird?” She squinted and licked her lips. “A carcass is your business this day?”

“We found it to the north and wondered if it was proper for eating, or . . . “ the warrior approached slowly, laying his belt of tribute at her feet. He didn't move fast enough; she growled and slapped him, the long nails of her fingers leaving bloody tracks in his cheek. He yelped and staggered back, falling to one knee before her.

“We mean no offense!”

“OFFENSE YOU HAVE WROUGHT. I should curse your bones so they crack in battle, so you bleed form the inside and scream until the wind eats your voice and the crows pluck your eyes!” She raised one finger and waved it at him, her mouth moving in a steady incantation.

“Mercy, Great Witch! MERCY!” Both men threw themselves to the ground, their chins touching the cave floor in complete supplication.

The bone witch stopped her spellwork, instead shuffling past them. The hem of her ragged gown dragged over the younger warrior's still form. She crouched beside the strange bird, her grime smeared fingers smoothing its ragged tail feathers.

“This is my tribute,” she said quietly. “For your stupidity, you leave me with your find. Do not disturb me again with trifling matters like the growling of your bellies. Go, before my good graces abandon us all.” She jerked her head over her shoulder to glare at them. Both vrykul struggled to their feet, managing sloppy bows as they backed from the cave. She waited until she could no longer hear their boots crunching in the snow outside. With a wave of her hand, the pelts at the cave entrance came down to hide her. The torches on the wall flared to life.

She scanned the jars on her wall. Some had eyes of the fallen, some were relics from Ulduar that brought great power to their wielders. Others were strange trinkets gathered from long years of battles, collected from those too dead to need them any longer. The last jar, though, was her prize. She reached for it. Inside, six black beetles crawled about. They were the size of her pinky nail, with nasty pinchers and far too many legs. She opened the top and carefully – ever so carefully – pulled a single beetle out, bringing it to eye level. The thing flailed betwixt her fingers, and her mouth opened into a cruel smile.

She recapped the jar and put it back on the shelf. Crouching beside the bird, her free hand trailed down its back again, luxuriating in the smoothness of its feathers. Satisfied, she wormed her fingers between the soft down at its neck and pressed the beetle to the skin.

And then she waited.

It took just a moment for the magic to do its work. The purple feathers shivered and shook, and then they began to change. An oily black started at the roots and worked their way down to the tips. The bone witch watched as the bird went from something bright and colorful to something as dark as a night sky. When the last feather changed, when what had entered the cave was hidden beneath the cloak of the beetle's magic, the bone witch reached out to cup the beak.

“Wake, druid, wake for me. I give you life, and thus, it is mine for the nonce. I command you to wake.
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Yva »

23:21:41.716 [4. exileic] Seylon: S'Laurus here.
23:22:05.683 [4. exileic] Fells: Ain't, not what I done heard. His box's gonna be on terrible seldom fer a tick.
23:22:32.151 [4. exileic] Seylon: Need 'im.
23:22:44.796 [4. exileic] Seylon: When ya see or hear a word, ya have him call me if ya would, Sugar.
23:22:54.821 [4. exileic] Fells: 'course. What fer?
23:23:09.701 [4. exileic] Seylon: . . . S'offered to do some scryin'.
23:23:18.118 [4. exileic] Fells: Scryin'?
23:23:28.978 [4. exileic] Vadras: [Aleros]: Hmm?
23:23:57.066 [4. exileic] Seylon: Sky's stick an' . . . an' . . .
23:23:58.606 [4. exileic] Seylon: *grunts*
23:24:29.965 [4. exileic] Aelflaed: y' tried th' bit wi' a ring an' a bit a' thread or hair?
23:24:59.685 [4. exileic] Seylon: *voice flat* I found tailfeathers in Icecrown.
23:25:26.400 [4. exileic] Chelody: Ah- t-they might not be her's
23:25:27.746 [4. exileic] Aelflaed: mrrpht.
23:25:27.746 [4. exileic] Mathidas: [Haemon]: ...They -could- be anyone's...
23:25:31.405 [4. exileic] Fells: ...'course, tha'd be nay druid. Couldn' it?
23:25:35.807 [4. exileic] Chelody: I've lot a loSt of tailfeathers in icecrown.
23:26:07.194 [4. exileic] Seylon: Considerin' the blood on 'em, he should be able to figure it out m'thinkin'.
23:26:17.253 Aleros purrs at you.
23:26:17.253 [4. exileic] Mathidas: [Haemon]He?
23:26:33.440 [4. exileic] Seylon: Laurus.
23:26:42.121 [4. exileic] Mathidas: [Haemon]: Ah.
23:26:46.712 [4. exileic] Seylon: S'possible, your right.
23:26:50.842 [4. exileic] Seylon: S'possible they ain't hers.
23:28:00.303 [4. exileic] Aelflaed: if ye dinnae hear owt a' Laurus... ye migh' try th' ring trick, 's old as anythin' I ken out th' North, but sommat there's fair in tha' magic
23:28:37.118 [4. exileic] Seylon: Fellsie's right, Sugar. M'panickin'. I know i am, an' it ain't fuckin' normal an' it ain't . . .
23:28:57.970 [4. exileic] Seylon: Somethin' ain't right, s'all.
23:29:24.823 [4. exileic] Seylon: Wish I could tell ya somethin' beyond a gut feelin'.
23:29:31.471 [4. exileic] Seylon: But s'my son.
23:29:32.907 [4. exileic] Aleros: I could take a sniff of them
23:29:33.869 [4. exileic] Laurus: *Click.*
23:29:42.940 [4. exileic] Laurus: Evening, all you beautiful people.
23:30:10.266 [4. exileic] Seylon: *grunts*
23:30:35.962 [4. exileic] Fells: Hey, you. Yer sure switchin' on's a good idea?
23:30:36.706 [4. exileic] Seylon: Sugar I got somethin' I'd like ya to look at.
23:31:05.271 [4. exileic] Laurus: Yeah, I'm sure I can manage once a day. Besides, it's not like those fuckers learned anything from -this- channel.
23:31:10.341 [4. exileic] Laurus: Uh-huh?
23:31:19.342 [4. exileic] Laurus: Is this about Sky?
23:31:42.756 [4. exileic] Seylon: . . . yep. Need a minute or two if ya got em.
23:31:46.878 [4. exileic] Seylon: *clicks off*
23:31:50.873 [4. exileic] Fells: Scryin', Laz.
23:32:24.125 [4. exileic] Laurus: Good point.
23:36:23.178 [4. exileic] Seylon: *clicks*
23:36:27.383 [4. exileic] Seylon: M'back.
23:36:51.928 [4. exileic] Laurus: Alright! I've got all the proper rotes prepared. You tell me the location on a private channel.

They move to Icecrown. Aleros is in bird form, Seylon looks exhausted and somewhat greasy like she's been out of the house far too long.

23:42:42.325 Laurus: I'll be landing in about two minutes. These materials...
23:42:48.160 Laurus: How long since she last touched 'em?
23:43:19.096 Seylon: Eddie? Prolly a week or two at most.
23:43:25.508 Seylon: She ain't been 'round since 'fore Friday.
23:43:45.263 Laurus: Uh-huh? Week's-well, it depends. She loved the thing?
23:44:00.224 Seylon: Lots.
23:44:03.580 Seylon: S'a friendly little shit.
23:44:09.874 Seylon: Careful when ya . . well. Careful.
23:44:16.421 Aleros: Make sure to let him wrap around your arm.
23:44:40.265 Seylon: Yeah, that.
23:44:49.060 Laurus: Why do you call it a -him-?!
23:44:52.226 Laurus: It's a -staff-!
23:45:03.488 Aleros: We think it's a he.
23:45:12.467 Aleros: You found the feathers out here?
23:45:18.320 Laurus: Feathers?
23:45:24.782 Seylon: Yep.
23:45:35.869 Seylon: S . . . tailfeathers. Purple.
23:45:40.762 Seylon: Were purple anyway.
23:46:00.248 You eye Laurus up and down.
23:46:10.669 Laurus: Listen, lady, I know you're desperate here, but do you have any reason to believe some random plumage you picked up off the ground is hers?
23:46:19.385 Seylon: Ya ain't heard my son.
23:46:32.827 Laurus: Eh?
23:46:33.311 Seylon frowns.
23:46:35.582 Seylon: My son.
23:46:45.417 Laurus: How's that relate to feathers?
23:46:45.701 Aleros: I'd have brought him, but I left him with the lodge.
23:46:49.759 Aleros: Not bringing him to icecrown.
23:46:55.152 Seylon pulls out a stick with a rather alive looking squid waving on the end.
23:47:19.473 Laurus eyes the thing rather warily.
23:47:39.631 Laurus holds the staff at arm's length. It reaches for him.
23:47:54.442 Seylon: S'friendly.
23:47:58.461 Laurus says: You didn't say it'd be -this- disgusting!
23:48:14.952 Seylon says: S'one of her pets, Sugar.
23:48:19.227 Seylon smiles, but it's forced.
23:48:19.227 Aleros says: If he kisses you, he likes you.
23:48:38.672 Laurus says: -Kisses-? That thing?
23:48:51.087 Aleros says: You'll feel it, slimey and slipping over your skin.
23:48:58.818 Seylon folds her arms over her chest.
23:49:01.275 Laurus sighs, voice bumping like gravel.
23:49:19.848 Laurus makes it a point to hold it no closer than necessary.
23:49:24.269 Laurus says: Well, I have to tell you.
23:49:36.055 Laurus says: I've never done a divining ritual on anything that was still moving.
23:49:45.539 Laurus says: It's kind of -delicate-, so!
23:50:08.783 Seylon reaches into a pouch and pulls out a handful of dirty, bloody feathers.
23:50:12.842 Laurus reaches into the reagent pouch at his waist, coming back with a fistful of arcane powder.
23:50:21.106 Seylon says: . . . can use that if ya want instead.
23:50:33.747 Aleros says: Eddie's... disposable, if it means it for Sky.
23:50:33.747 Laurus says: One thing at a time, lady. We'll try 'Eddie' first.
23:50:51.947 Seylon nods. She pulls a flask from her belt and takes a haul.
23:51:00.564 Laurus begins to sprinkle the powder in a circle at his feet.
23:51:10.783 You eye Laurus up and down.
23:51:24.759 Seylon 's legs brace apart, her hands go behind her back and she watches.
23:51:38.524 Laurus clutches the staff to his chest and begins mumbling. He's interrupted as the tentacles latch on to his face.
23:51:46.934 Seylon groans.
23:51:48.972 Laurus says: Mrrghll!
23:51:58.690 Laurus says: Urg!
23:52:06.120 Laurus yanks Eddie forcefully away.
23:52:09.076 Aleros says: Alright.
23:52:14.921 Laurus says: That is -disgusting- and I will likely never forget it!
23:52:25.904 Seylon says: Sh'Sky's.
23:52:28.762 Seylon shrugs. ...hic!
23:52:32.138 Aleros pokes Eddie. "Behave." The squid calms down.
23:52:33.021 Laurus wrinkles his nose.
23:52:45.728 Laurus glares angrily at the tentacle-rape stick.
23:52:51.105 Laurus says: Okay.
23:52:54.295 Laurus says: Let's try this again.
23:53:29.127 Laurus clutches the staff to his chest. The feelers are swaying slowly now, not grasping.
23:53:42.402 Laurus mumbles words of arcane power.
23:54:03.207 Laurus opens one eye. The one without the glass covering it.
23:54:46.672 Laurus says: Well, that's odd.
23:55:03.053 Laurus drops Eddie rather unceremoniously on the ground.
23:55:04.005 Seylon grunts.
23:55:15.460 Aleros picks up stick in beak.
23:55:20.369 Seylon says: What, Sugar.
23:55:27.232 Seylon tapsh a plated foot on the ground.
23:55:32.191 Laurus says: Okay. Let me just say something, first.
23:55:40.340 You blink at Laurus.
23:56:02.882 Seylon says: M'all ears.
23:56:03.885 Laurus says: I'm a -mage-. I deal with numbers and absolutes! I get -precise information-. But right now, I'm going to sound like a -seer-.
23:56:06.005 Laurus says: Not a scryer.
23:56:19.297 Seylon says: . . . s'unusual?
23:56:19.864 Laurus says: You get what I'm saying?
23:56:23.389 Aleros says: What did you see.
23:56:24.941 Seylon says: For you m'sayin'.
23:56:33.256 Laurus clears his throat.
23:57:06.619 Laurus lifts his hands in a very dramatic fashion. His voice booms and his r's roll.
23:57:42.721 Laurus says: A flock of ravens, flying through the dim Icecrown air, perched on a cave of white stone.
23:57:46.694 Laurus says: You getting the picture?
23:58:03.426 Seylon grunts and looks at Aleros.
23:58:07.216 Seylon nods.
23:58:30.728 Aleros says: There are many caves, and many crows. Many carrion animals.
23:58:33.433 Laurus says: I'm going to -guess- this is a misdirection spell, or maybe she doesn't love Eddie enough.
23:58:34.751 Laurus shrugs. Who knows?
23:58:48.995 Laurus says: Or maybe it's just wonky, I dunno, divination isn't my thing.
23:58:50.164 Laurus says: Eh?
23:58:53.069 Seylon looks at Eddie.
23:58:57.260 Seylon says: She 'dores Eddie.
23:59:03.072 Laurus says: Yeah, crows. Lots of crows, flying over the moon.
23:59:03.789 Seylon frowns.
23:59:19.920 Laurus says: Let's try the feathers.
23:59:22.408 Seylon says: Elune fucking damn it cock son of a bitch.
23:59:26.465 Seylon rakes her fingers through her hair.
23:59:27.951 Laurus says: Eh?
23:59:30.139 Seylon says: Not you.
23:59:34.681 Laurus says: Oh.
23:59:36.150 Seylon waves a gauntlet at Laurus.
23:59:37.720 Laurus blinks.
23:59:39.122 Seylon says: M'just.
23:59:45.567 Laurus says: Frustrated?
23:59:47.721 Seylon frowns and it makes her look more tired.
23:59:57.423 Seylon leans back against the pillar.
00:00:00.028 Seylon says: Could say that.
00:00:18.037 Laurus steps out of the magic circle.
00:00:25.493 Aleros runs beak up and down armor, it seems to be an affectionate gesture...
00:00:35.328 Laurus says: You're really worried about her.
00:00:49.321 Seylon glances at him.
00:00:52.961 Seylon says: Khal, our son. He got cursed when I was carryin'. Tommy Maunt's mother was Cult of the Damned.
00:01:10.494 Seylon swallows.
00:01:38.731 Seylon says: Curse shoulda killed him. Kitty . . . Aleros . . . helped get rid of it, but it took it's fuckin' toll. Khal's blind, but he ain't totally blind. Kid can see Dream. S'where he was taken to hide from that bitch's doin'.
00:01:57.883 Laurus strokes on his red beard.
00:02:05.983 Seylon says: . . . since Sky's been gone, he ain't stopped cryin'. He sees shit we don't. Always has. Can't see his Ma holdin' two fingers in front of his face? But he fuckin' . . .
00:02:37.325 Seylon shrugs.
00:02:43.219 Seylon says: He helped Threnny some when she was in dream.
00:02:54.273 Laurus says: "In dream"?
00:02:59.433 Seylon says: Fedwyn.
00:03:06.646 Aleros squawks.
00:03:07.865 Seylon says: S'a long story, but . . she was gone a long time. Threnny was, an' Khal helped her there. As a guide sorta . . . thing.
00:03:18.435 Laurus nods in vague understanding.
00:03:43.098 Seylon says: An' now, he screams at night, an' sobs, an' cries, an' he's yellin' Tikky. S'his name for Sky. S'tryin' to say Kitty.
00:03:51.998 Seylon smiles faintly.
00:03:57.308 Seylon says: . . . ain't normal, an' . . .
00:04:04.923 Laurus says: Hmmm.
00:04:06.409 Seylon unscrews her flask again.
00:04:48.688 Seylon says: I'd be shit to not be worried, Sugar.
00:04:53.781 Seylon glancesh at Laurus and smiles.
00:04:58.824 Laurus says: Yeah. I get you.
00:05:12.743 Laurus says: I'm worried too, you know.
00:05:16.642 Laurus heaves a shrug.
00:05:36.841 Laurus says: Got a lot on my plate right now, but I'd hate to see anything happen to that one.
00:05:47.065 Aleros says: You do have a real liking for her.
00:05:53.443 Seylon says: Appreciate what you're doin'.
00:06:05.900 Laurus clears his throat again, back rigid.
00:06:11.838 Laurus adjusts his monacle.
00:06:19.271 Laurus says: You know...
00:06:55.165 Laurus says: Back when things looked -really- bleak for me. I mean, Fells was gone, I was living in the -snow-, just lost Precosia, hadn't a gold to my name...
00:07:03.564 Laurus says: She was the only one who was there for me.
00:07:16.115 Seylon says: She's got a good heart.
00:07:17.969 Aleros 's head tilts.
00:07:24.489 Laurus says: Can't deny that.
00:07:31.641 Laurus says: I owe that kid, big.
00:07:47.307 Laurus glances nervously back at the divination circle.
00:07:50.664 Seylon says: Well ya done me a solid.
00:07:58.078 Seylon says: If ya don't wanna do the feathers, s'fine.
00:08:18.982 Laurus says: You said something about how your son, eh.
00:08:29.046 Laurus says: Motions to them? Or what?
00:08:45.183 Aleros says: Hmm?
00:08:58.057 Seylon says: I ain't brought the feathers home. He just fuckin' screams. An' won't sleep.
00:09:06.773 Seylon grunts.
00:09:13.422 Aleros says: He lives in the dream, he can phase out of it, but he can never live in our world.
00:09:29.349 Laurus lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
00:09:33.991 Aleros says: We're not always sure what he sees.
00:10:03.263 Laurus says: Are you talking about the -Emerald- Dream, or the universal subconscious, or what?
00:10:40.868 Aleros says: Yes. Ysera's realm.
00:10:49.383 Laurus says: Just checking. Sounds like a born druid to me.
00:11:16.900 Laurus says: Alright. I'll try out your feathers, but don't get your hopes up. Okay?
00:11:32.975 Aleros says: The only feathers I see in this place are white or black.
00:11:38.309 Aleros says: Any feathers with color are peculiar
00:11:54.021 Seylon nods at him.
00:11:57.862 Laurus says: I guess...
00:11:59.715 Aleros preens at his wings.
00:12:16.655 Laurus begins to remake the circle anew.
00:13:00.575 Laurus clutches the feathers in his left hand, right concentrated on sweeping gestures.
00:13:16.980 Laurus blinks his eyes open.
00:13:33.456 Laurus quirks a brow.
00:13:46.517 Laurus says: You know...
00:14:11.664 Laurus says: If those -are- Skyborne's feathers, and recent ones, then that's a pretty powerful connection.
00:14:27.026 Aleros says: Yes.
00:14:27.894 Seylon looks at him.
00:14:30.805 Seylon nods.
00:14:42.581 Laurus says: Well...
00:14:59.103 Laurus grunts confusedly.
00:15:22.289 Laurus says: I saw the bone witch. Lady Nightswood, I think.
00:15:40.484 Laurus says: And she had a flock of ravens perched on her outstretched arms.
00:15:45.850 Aleros jerks his head north.
00:16:20.022 Seylon looks utterly confused.
00:16:25.550 Laurus says: Make what you will of that, but I've never seen anything like this before.
00:16:48.910 Seylon says: M' . . .
00:16:54.220 Aleros says: You haven't seen the bone witch in your scrying?
00:16:54.587 Seylon grunts at Aleros.
00:17:01.242 Aleros says: Shall I wait for you?
00:17:05.341 Aleros peers at you searchingly.
00:17:30.121 Laurus says: I mean...okay. You know how I said that I can't use a person as a scrying object?
00:17:37.268 Seylon nods at him.
00:17:45.449 Aleros stays perched.
00:18:29.817 Laurus says: Well, that's because my kind of magic has no power over life force in the -literal- sense.
00:18:46.731 Aleros says: So you get metaphorical and unclear messages?
00:19:08.957 Seylon says: He said earlier somethin' might be fuckin' with him.
00:19:11.110 Seylon says: With Eddie anyway.
00:19:35.340 Laurus says: You how if you have...
00:19:37.051 Laurus thinks.
00:19:38.318 Aleros says: The bone witch might be a lead, are we to see her together?
00:19:52.088 Laurus says: I'd recommend you do that.
00:20:03.679 Laurus says: Say you've got some sand.
00:20:12.927 Laurus says: And you know how you leave footprints in the sand, right?
00:20:17.301 Seylon nods.
00:20:53.178 Laurus says: Well, I don't find the person making the footprints. I just find out where the footprints lead. The -physical- aspect of how the subject affects the world.
00:20:57.141 Laurus says: Not life. So...
00:21:13.579 Aleros nods.
00:21:20.747 Laurus says: I guess maybe she left some kind of impression on the bone witch. Either that, or someone's fucking with me, like you said.
00:21:33.079 Laurus shrugs. Who knows?
00:21:35.379 Laurus says: Hard to tell.
00:21:37.412 Aleros looks at him.
00:22:29.556 Laurus peers at Aleros searchingly.
00:22:52.923 Aleros says: The Emerald Dream is the world as Ysera saw it. It is primitive and primal version of this world. The imprints left by sentient beings do not exist in its design, yet...
00:23:13.078 Aleros adjusts his talons on the ridge of the wall.
00:23:35.380 Aleros says: We shall see, we follow what clues we are given. Thank you.
00:24:09.181 Laurus nods sharply.
00:24:28.141 Seylon says: You got my thanks too.
00:24:38.427 Laurus says: I'd go with you to see the Lady. I've exchanged words with her before. But I gather this is something you'd rather do yourselves.
00:24:48.446 Seylon says: If my kid's dead, yeah.
00:24:51.133 Seylon 's voice is flat.
00:24:54.607 Laurus says: Yeah.
00:25:01.236 Laurus exhales loudly.
00:25:05.243 Seylon says: Thanks, Sugar.
00:25:14.160 Laurus says: You take care of yourselves.
00:25:20.640 Seylon reaches out and gives him an awkward hug.
00:25:28.220 Laurus returns it just as awkwardly.
00:25:21.408 Laurus says: Let me know if you hear anything.
00:25:24.185 Seylon nods.
00:25:35.250 Seylon says: Take care of yourself.
00:25:39.224 Seylon glances up at Aleros.
00:25:48.208 Aleros nods at you.
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Yva »

“I know you can hear me.”

There was fog, and darkness, and so much confusion.

Pain. There's pain too. My head, my back. My neck, too. My neck is tight.

“Lift your head, Druid, and hear me well. I won't explain this twice.”

The room smelled of smoke and sour milk. Something rattled to her right, and Sky forced her eyes open. She shifted and could hear feathers rustling.

You're in flight form. Adjust. What happened? Oh right. Frostwyrm. How'd you . . .

“You were brought here by two idiot children of my tribe. Thinking you dead, they wanted to eat you. Our warriors are near legendary with weapons, but they are as dim as the sun at night. Had I not interfered, you'd be spitted and roasted above a fire with some beast of a man licking your grease from his fingers. You are in my debt, and I will take my due now, in service.”

The haze cleared from her vision, and she lifted a wing.

My mind is playing tricks on me.

The feathers, once rich and purple and beautiful, were tar black. They were smaller too, like someone had shrunk her to half her rightful size. She tried to open her beak to speak, but no words would come, only a shrill cawing like that of a crow.

“Ah, yes. That. It's a glamor. Only I can remove it, which means until I am done with you . . . “ The bone witch came into focus then. Her white hair was matted to her skull, her teeth were stained yellow. Wrinkles sagged beneath her eyes. “We work against the Lord of the North together, you and I. He will not see you as more than an animal which – for now, you are no more than an animal are you? An intelligent one, but you cannot speak and cannot use your magics. I've made sure of that.” The crone reached forward to latch a finger into a small, studded collar around Sky's neck. She jerked on it, and Sky jerked forward with her, stumbling on bird legs across the cave floor.


Words. Make words.

“Caw! Caw!”

The bone witch smirked. “There is no other path save for mine, Druid, but I swear on the bones of my ancestors I will free you after you have paid me for my charities. Until then though.” She leaned forward until her nose was mere inches away from Sky's beak. “Until then, you are mine.”
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Yva »

Sey lifted the axe, about to bring it down on the vrykul's head, but Aleros wrapped his fingers around her gauntlet, lending her pause.

“She won't talk if you hurt her people,” he said quietly.

Her grunt was near inaudible. With a nod and a muttered curse, she struck the flat of the blade against the old warrior's head, watching him slouch to the ground. He wasn't dead, but he'd have a bitch of a time sleeping that one off.

“Cave's over there,” she said, hitching her weapon to her back. Aleros slid into cat form beside her, purring and rubbing his face against her thigh. She scratched behind his ears almost absentmindedly. It was a small comfort, but considering the knots inside of her stomach, she'd take what she could get right now. Two weeks without word was taking its toll. She looked like two pounds of shit in a one pound bag.

The cave had thick leather hides hanging over its front. Crows were perched above the entrance, to the left of it and to the right, all of them tar feathered and beady eyed. Some wore ribbons or small collars around their necks like they were pets. One such bird fluttered over to Seylon's shoulder, picking at her hair to find a treasure inside. Sey tried to shrug it off, but it didn't seem to want to move. She grunted again, trying to her best to ignore it.

“How the fuck do ya do this. Ya can't exactly knock,” she said, eying the pelts. She took a drink of whiskey from her flask, swirling it around her mouth before swallowing it down with a wince. Aleros returned to elf skin, leaning upon his staff.

“I suppose you just walk inside.”

The birds, seeing the shiny trinkets woven into the druid's hair, flocked to him. The one from Sey's shoulder moved over to pick at a bead. Another one perched on his shoulder and tapped at the crown at his forehead. He smiled at them, not looking the least bit inclined to move them or brush them away.

“Ya got a posse'.”

He grinned and walked towards the cave flap, lifting it aside. She ducked beneath his outstretched arm.

The cave had an all together unpleasant odor. Sey took in the jars on the shelves, the small fire in the back, the rickety bed and books. As she clanked inside, her plate boots striking the stone floor, the oldish woman hunched over a book lifted her head, her weather beaten face scrunching into a frown.

“Who dares walk into my home unannounced?” The witch said. She pointed a finger, the bones of her bracelet clicked together in a terrible cacophony.

“Seylon Fuckin' Jh'Talith, that's who.”

Aleros placed a hand on Sey's shoulder as he moved in beside her. The birds still perched upon him, and seeing the bone witch, one began to caw, flapping its wings in agitation.

“Aleros Crescentwing, Druid of the Cenarian Circle.” Aleros nodded his head, and the bone witch jerked her finger towards him, hesitating at something she saw in his eyes. She hissed and made a strange motion, almost a primitive blessing where she touched her shoulders and bowed her head low, nearly to the ground.

“More like an eclipsed wing. There is something bright in you, but darkness creeps and will soon cover the sun. Remove yourself from this cave before you bring it here.”

Sey frowned at the words, craning her head to peer at Aleros. His serene smile had faded. He turned his head to tutter nonsensically at one of the birds, which cocked its head left and right at the lilt of his voice.

“I ain't got the faintest clue what you're blatherin' on about, an' I ain't here to waste your time. Neither's Kitty,” Sey said. “M'lookin' for my kid. Druidess, name's Skyborne. Tealish hair, long legs. Skinny. Ya seen her?”

The bone witch dropped her hand with mutters in a language Sey couldn't understand. “I've seen no druids here for some time. Look elsewhere, Elf.”

“When was the last time you'd say a druid crossed your path then?” This from Aleros, who'd extended his arm to allow a crow to hop down it. It was now pecking at one of the rings on his fingers.

“I get visitors often, you know this. We've worked together before you and I, though your pretty Elf woman, she is new to me.”

“That does not answer the question.”

The bone witch stood, wrapping the tatters of her gown around her like some strange mantle. She was a queen of rags and disarray. “I don't know exactly, Eclipsed Wing. Some days at least.”

The two stared at each other for a long moment. Aleros forced another smile and lost his elf skin, shifting back into panther, disrupting the crow army and forcing them to other perches. He put his nose into the air, sniffing, golden eyes narrowing to slits. At first, Sey thought the low rumble in his throat was another purr, but she realized it was a growl. Her hand hovered above the handle of her axe, her gaze flitting between witch and cat.

“Kitty . . . “

“It's fine, Sey Sey. There's clearly nothing here, so why don't we get back to searching?”

“Right. Fuckin' . . . look, if ya see or hear anything, contact the Ebons. They know how to get in touch with us.” Sey stomped out, shoving the door pelts aside with a string of colorful swears. Aleros padded after her, his tail twitching. Right before he was about to step outside, he stopped and peered at the hag over his shoulder.

“I smell her here. She was here. I don't know what you're playing at, but I will find out, and then I'll find you.”

The witch made the blessing again and pointed at the door. “I have more important things to worry about than some elf cat carrying nightmare disease. Arthas will rue the day he crossed me. Until then, keep your black away from my door.”

“I'll make you suffer, Witch.”

The expression drained from her face until there was nothing but a blank mask. She watched him go, waited for his footfalls to no longer echo, and then she hurled a jar full of viscous blue liquid at the wall, watching the ooze slither to the ground.

And I'll make her suffer for your trespasses. Watch me.
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Posts: 784
Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:48 pm


Post by Yva »

[4. ExileIC] Bricu: OI! any word on sky?
[4. ExileIC] Aleros: None, as of yet.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: what was this 'bout a banshee?
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: bloody...just whatever yeh fuckin' do, don't listen ta bloody drachmas.
[4. ExileIC] Annalea: Blessed Elune, that'd be foolish.
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *crackle* Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: oi?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: Bell, did yeh get stuck in a crow form?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *peck click crackle* Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Feliche: Ain't Bell. She's here with me.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: Strewth--Sky?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: bloody... Yer stuck. One caw for yes. Two for no. Don't get excited an' go all "OI OI OI"
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: or caw caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: CAW CAW CAW!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: *sigh*
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: well.... I'm pretty sure that's sky
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Rrrr!?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw. *odd clicks, bird-like ones*
[4. ExileIC] Feliche: Or just a bird that got a buzzbox.
[4. ExileIC] Feliche: ...and made it's nest with it.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: That'd be ....
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: Oi, anyone see TIRITH?
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: Just a bird with a box.
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *Squawk* Caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: *bird-like-trills, curiously*
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *trills back*
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *clicks*
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: *quiet, somewhat distracted squawk noises*
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *an almost exact duplicate sound*
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: *tests another tone of bird-like whistling*
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *a repeat whistle*
[4. ExileIC] Aleros: Crows? With a box?
[4. ExileIC] Aleros: *Grunt and a click*
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *click click click CAW*
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: any idea where that crow is?
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Can we tell by the box?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: maybe an engineer could. That'd be a job for a Stormrunner
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Bird. If you can understand us, one 'Caw' for yes, Two 'Caws' for no.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: I tried that...
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: maybe its me accent...
[4. ExileIC] Ilarra: *absent* Do what now?
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: track someone by their box
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: BUZZ box
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Ilarra: Sure, if it's got the right parts.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: oi
[4. ExileIC] Annalea: Sky, are you safe?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: Wait.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you actually Sky?
[4. ExileIC] Annalea: Well, shit.
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: fuck me sideways.
[4. ExileIC] Annalea: Do you know where you are?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you east of the Maelstrom?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you north of the Maelstrom?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you on an island?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: *quieter, as if distracted* Can you see water?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: Are yeh in the mountains...
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: No water, yes mountains. South of the maelstrom?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Aleros: *Clack* The witch, she has many crows sitting on her cave, most of them wearing... things.
[4. ExileIC] Aleros: None are poking at a box though
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you north of Ironforge?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you south of Quel'danas?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you on the continent which contains Ironforge and Silvermoon city?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you south of Lorderon?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: North of Southshore?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw!
[4. ExileIC] Aleros: Alterac?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Annalea: Arathi.
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Are you in Hillsbrad?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Can you see the Plaugelands?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw caw.
[4. ExileIC] Angoleth: {Aelflaed}: Ye in Silverpine?
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Hinterlands?
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: CAW!
[4. ExileIC] Aleros: FELLS
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *peck peck*
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: *chittering*
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: Sky, I am going to Hinterlands with Feliche. We will be there to help you.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: I'll get out there as soo--oh fuckin' hell.
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: I'll be right there. Fuckin....
[4. ExileIC] Bricu: *click*
[4. ExileIC] Bellesta: *sort of shaky tone* Sky... keep cawing every bit, so we know you're still there.
[4. ExileIC] Skyborne: Caw.
Haemon pets Hawk Owl.
Skyborne pecks.
Skyborne says: Caw!
Haemon says: No, really, bird. That hurts.
Skyborne nuzzles hair.
Skyborne says: Caw caw!
Haemon gently pats Hawk Owl.
Skyborne perches on shoulder and staaaaaares.
Haemon says: There are no bugs in there.
Haemon peers at Hawk Owl searchingly.
Skyborne staaaaaaaares.
Haemon says: ...That is so creepy.
Haemon stretches out his arm.
Skyborne chitters.
Skyborne hops down arm.
Skyborne hops back up arm.
Skyborne staaaaares.
Haemon says: Can you at least--thank you.
Skyborne says: Caw!
Haemon narrows his eyes.
Skyborne flits up and over . . . to his other shoulder.
Haemon taps his forearm.
Skyborne squawk and goes to the forearm, staring.
Haemon says: You are just a contrary bird.
Skyborne tilts head to the side.
Haemon holds his forearm in front of him so as to peer at the bird better.
Skyborne says: Caw caw!
Skyborne seems to nod.
Skyborne says: Caw!
Haemon raises his eyebrow inquisitively at Hawk Owl.
Skyborne preens feathers.
Haemon says: Caw, yourself.
Haemon says: Yes, you are very pretty.
Skyborne fluffs up.
Haemon strokes breastfeathers. See, it's okay, when they're feathers.
Skyborne whistles and chitters.
Aleros peers at Haemon searchingly.
Haemon waves at Aleros.
Aleros says: The mage is inside.
Haemon says: Can you speak to animals? I am not adept..
Haemon says: Yes, I know.
Skyborne says: Caw!
Haemon says: Kindly do not spread the word.
Haemon peers at Aleros searchingly.
Haemon says: Why are you here, anyway?
Haemon says: Not that I am not pleased so see you.
Skyborne flits away and sails over to Aleros.
Skyborne perches on head.
Aleros says: That bird, it's Sky. We're fairly certain.
Skyborne pecks at head.
Aleros is a cat with Sky on head.
Haemon blinks.
Bellesta blinks at Hawk Owl.
Haemon says: What?
Laurus barks. Woof woof!
Skyborne says: CAW!
Haemon peers at Hawk Owl searchingly.
Skyborne pecks at Aleros head.
Haemon says: -Sky-?
Laurus says: Ale!
Skyborne says: CAW!
Aleros turns his head.
Bellesta scoots between the dog and Sky... wait dog just spoke.
Laurus says: Will you please tell me what the Nether is going on?!
Bellesta blinks at Laurus.
Skyborne cocks bird head to side to stare at Bellesta.
Haemon says: Apparently this bird is Sky.
Bellesta says: Sky?
Laurus speaks in a scratching, growling voice. So, not much different than normal.
Aleros says: Do you know any anti charms?
Skyborne pecks at shiny things in Bellesta hair.
Laurus says: What do you mean, this bird is Sky?
Aleros says: She's been missing.
Haemon says: The bird. Is Sky.
Bellesta turns her head to gently lean into the bird, lifting one hand to stroke feathers worriedly.
Laurus says: The...I don't understand.
Haemon says: I really do not know how to explain that more directly.
Laurus says: That's not a storm crow.
Skyborne rubs glossy head against hand.
Aleros says: You remember the crows in your scrying?
Laurus blinks.
Aleros says: You did a better job than you thought.
Laurus says: Holy shit.
Skyborne coos and whistles at Bellesta.
Laurus says: Well, that would explain a lot!
Laurus says: How do you know?
Bellesta seems to be at a loss, but is happy to continue being clingly to Sky so long as she is shouldered.
Skyborne flits over to Laurus and beak tugs on hat.
Skyborne tug tug.
Laurus quickly lifts a hand to keep it in place.
Bellesta motions Feliche over.
Laurus says: No!
Skyborne says: CAW!
Laurus says: Damn it, bird!
Skyborne says: CAW CAW!
Laurus says: Fine! Only because everyone feels sorry for you.
Skyborne snits off and perches on Shad.
Laurus holds the hat at his waist.
Skyborne coos and beaks at hair.
Laurus says: Hey, wait!
Haemon holds out an arm for Skyborne.
Skyborne perches on.
Bellesta says: But -why- is she like that?
Skyborne wobbles up. Fluffs feathers.
Haemon strokes Skyborne's head.
Laurus says: Okay. Ale. I'm still not sure how -exactly- you know this is Sky.
Skyborne looks at Laurus. Sticks bird tongue out.
Aleros says: We went to the cave.
Laurus says: Granted, it's intelligent, and it fits the facts, but...
Aleros says: The one in your vision.
Haemon chuckles.
Laurus says: And?
Haemon says: Definitely Skyborne, are you not.
Aleros says: We met the bonewitch, I smelled Sky, the witch said she hadn't seen a druid.
Skyborne bobs her head.
Aleros says: She was lying.
Bellesta says: The witch? Is she the one who did this?
Aleros says: I smelled her scent faintly.
Laurus says: I -told- you she was lying!
Laurus says: Why didn't you beat it out of her?
Aleros says: The witch has many crows about her cave, many with ornaments, collars.
Skyborne flaps wings and totters up next to Shad head. He gets a loving beak to the temple.
Aleros says: We still possibly need her alive to break the hex.
Laurus nods crisply.
Haemon whispers to the bird.
Laurus says: I didn't say we should kill her!
Skyborne rubs glossy head against Shad cheek.
Aleros says: Or at least in our good graces.
Haemon kisses the top of Skyborne's head.
Aleros says: As good graces as the old hag can give.
Skyborne fluffs up feathers at seeing Threnn.
Laurus says: If she did this in the first place...what are you going to do, appease her?
Threnn says: Someone want to fill me in?
Haemon points to the bird on his shoulder.
Laurus says: That's Sky.
Haemon says: Sky.
Laurus points at Hawk Owl.
Skyborne says: Caw!
Threnn blinks at Hawk Owl.
Skyborne says: Caw caw caw!
Bellesta chews on her lower lip, which is a fairly strange habit for her.
Skyborne hops up and down on Shad arm.
Aleros says: There's several potential courses, walk in and ask her kindly how to break the hex,.
Threnn peers at the bird.
Laurus eyes Hawk Owl up and down.
Skyborne swirls - annoyingly - around Laurus head.
Aleros says: Research it ourselves, or beat it out of her, hoping she doesn't have some way of doing more to her.
Threnn says: What happened?
Laurus swats.
Bellesta leans back and looks at the bird.
Skyborne settles between Feliche and Bellesta.
Skyborne preens feathers.
Laurus begins to stroke on his well-groomed beard.
Threnn tries again.
Threnn says: Who is this "she" you're talking about?
Laurus says: Well, you're right. We need to know what we're up against.
Haemon says: I think they mentioned the Bone Witch.
Bellesta smiles faintly. "Sky, you aren't in pain ,are you?"
Skyborne says: Caw caw.
Laurus says: I know -that-, Haemon!
Aleros says: No no, we should just beat it out of her, I can send a nightmare her way this night.
Threnn eyes Laurus up and down.
Haemon says: I was talking to Threnn.
Haemon says: Since no one else will.
Threnn says: *I* don't. I just got here.
Laurus says: Oh.
Threnn says: Thank you, Haemon.
Laurus says: Hey, Threnn.
Laurus says: Damned rats!
Laurus says: They keep sneaking in here!
Laurus makes a rude gesture at Rat.
Haemon peers at Ilarra searchingly.
Skyborne keeps pecking at the pretties in Bellesta's Amazing Hair.
Aleros says: As much as I would love to rip her mind apart myself, that wouldn't be best for Sky.
Laurus blinks at Ilarra.
Ilarra arrives a-riding. Out of the lake.
Threnn says: I'm more interested in Sky than rats. Why would the Bone Witch have done this?
Threnn says: And how?
Ilarra says: Fashionably late.
Laurus says: That pretty much sums up what we don't know.
Aleros peers at the bird.
Skyborne bird has a pretty collar.
Bellesta leans into Fel a bit, letting Sky play in her hair.
Aleros says: Perhaps Skyborne can tell us what happened once we have this fixed?
Ilarra says: Hallo, birdy.
Skyborne eyes Ilarra.
Skyborne flits off.
Laurus says: And to fix it, we need to know exactly what it is.
Skyborne perches on Ila shoulder.
Skyborne coos and caws.
Threnn says: Or maybe she can tell us now.
Laurus peers at Hawk Owl searchingly.
Threnn rummages in her packs.
Ilarra pets Skybird with her fingertips.
Haemon peers at Skyborne.
Laurus says: She's-well, try asking.
Aleros says: We've been able to manage yes and no out of her with single and double caws.
Threnn leans against the fence.
Threnn says: Hey, Sky, can you still spell?
Aleros says: Stories might be a bit beyond her.
Threnn takes out a piece of paper and writes down the alphabet.
Skyborne says: . . . caw!
Threnn sets it on the ground before the bird.
Skyborne hops over to stand on top of Haemon's head.
Skyborne peers down.
Threnn says: Peck at the letters, yeah?
Haemon peers up at her.
Laurus says: Between you and me, this might take a while. But good thinking.
Threnn says: It's faster than a guessing game with yesses and nos.
Bellesta says: We can try and get simple short word answers, too.
Skyborne looks at paper.
Skyborne tuts and croaks.
Skyborne stares at paper.
Ilarra pulls out a cigarette.
Skyborne pecks an S.
Skyborne pecks a P.
Skyborne pecks a Y.
Ilarra says: I like the letter Q, Sky. 's a nice popular letter.
Laurus blinks.
Skyborne pecks S - K - Y.
Bellesta moves in and peeks...
Haemon peers.
Threnn says: Spy. Sky. You're being spied on, or you are one?
Skyborne looks up.
Skyborne I - S - P - Y.
Laurus says: I think spying on her is out of the question.
Threnn eyes Laurus blandly.
Threnn says: I wouldn't rule it out, if someone can keep her stuck as a bird.
Laurus says: On who are you spying?
Skyborne peck peck.
Skyborne A.
Skyborne R.
Skyborne T.
Skyborne H.
Skyborne A.
Skyborne S.
Bellesta says: Artha...s.
Threnn says: Oh, bloody fucking hell.
Haemon says: ...You are spying on the Lich King?
Skyborne says: Caw!
Skyborne hops up and down.
Ilarra sighs.
Laurus says: That answers a lot.
Ilarra says: They're all fuckin' obsessed.
Ilarra says: 'Scuse me.
Threnn says: We're a long way from his sanctuary.
Threnn says: How'd you get here, Sky?
Skyborne ruffles feathers.
Skyborne D-A-L-A-R-A-N.
Skyborne F.
Skyborne L.
Skyborne A.
Skyborne P.
Threnn says: All right.
Laurus says: Do you know how we can change you back?
Fells blinks.
Fells says: Damn.
Laurus blinks at Fells.
Skyborne chitters.
Ilarra says: Brought you somethin', Drachmas.
Haemon peers at Fells searchingly.
Fells says: Who -ain't- here.
Fells smiles at Laurus.
Skyborne . . . B - U - G.
Laurus smiles at Fells.
Fells says: Darlin', lookit.
Laurus says: Bug?
Fells says: I's a shadow priest,
Fells shadowy.
Skyborne caws and fluffs up about two times as big.
Laurus says: Yeah, I see, dear.
Haemon says: Bug?
Skyborne flits over Fells.
Skyborne squawks.
Fells swats.
Aleros says: Bug...
Skyborne says: CAW CAW CAW!
Aleros says: Where?
Fells says: Auugh, the Nether!
Haemon says: Tara, that is Skyborne.
Laurus says: That makes no sense.
Haemon says: Do not hit her, please.
Aleros puts his paw on the paper.
Laurus says: What do we have to do to the bug?
Fells says: Whatsit?! Where?
Aleros says: Where?
Ilarra says: On your face, pet.
Haemon says: The bird.
Fells blinks at Hawk Owl.
Skyborne flies back to paper.
Skyborne J.
Skyborne A.
Skyborne R.
Fells says: M'some kinda confuzzled.
Bellesta says: Jar?
Skyborne caws.
Haemon says: Skyborne is under a spell.
Aleros says: The bone witch had many jars.
Threnn says: There's a bug in the jar that'll change you back?
Fells leans out of the sidecar and grabs a purple sleeve.
Fells drags.
Fells gains loot: [Poncy Mage].
Skyborne says: Caw caw!
Skyborne B-U-G.
Fells says: Sommat 'xplain the Nether's goin' on?
Skyborne pecks more. M-A-D-E.
Laurus says: That bird's Sky. That paper has the alphabet on it.
Laurus says: Sky's spelling words.
Fells says: I. Oh.
Skyborne bounces on paper, cooing at Fells.
Fells frowns with disappointment at Hawk Owl.
Laurus says: She just said that--
Fells says: Y'had us all worried ill!
Skyborne totters back.
Haemon says: The bug put the spell on you? -Is- the spell?
Threnn says: Easy, now, Fellsie.
Skyborne caws.
Fells is clearly a bit late to the party.
Fells says: Well s'true! Unshif --
Fells peers at Hawk Owl searchingly.
Fells says: That ain't a stormcrow.
Threnn says: Seems there's a witch that has her trapped this way.
Bellesta says: She can't.
Skyborne peers at Fells. She's a lot smaller than she ought to be.
Haemon looks at Fells and covers his face with his palm.
Bellesta glances back.
Laurus says: Remember what I told you before, Fells? That when the tracks lead to the sea, something's wrong?
Skyborne pecks at paper again.
Laurus says: I think this qualifies.
Fells says: Right! Issat the witch y'done scried, Laz?
Ilarra smokes a cigarette boredly.
Laurus says: Yeah, Lady Nightswood.
Fells says: Right, her.
Skyborne W-I-T-C-H-P-U-T-B-U-G-O-N-M-E.
Laurus says: Apparently, she did this.
Fells threads her fingers through Laurus's.
Laurus says: With some kind of "bug".
Fells says: Well damn.
Laurus squeezes her hand.
Threnn says: Is it still on you?
Threnn tries to get a better look at the crow that is Skyborne.
Skyborne flaps wings.
Aleros says: Witch put bug on me... She needs another visit.
Bellesta seems unsure what to do, shifting her weight about.
Haemon says: Is this a literal bug? Or a spying bug?
Skyborne flaps a wing at pretty collar.
Skyborne says: Caw!
Bellesta says: What does the collar do?
Skyborne B-U-G.
Threnn says: Is the bug in the collar?
Laurus says: Can we take it off?
Threnn says: Or is it the collar itself?
Skyborne U-N-D-E-R.
Skyborne peck peck, pant. Hard work on small bird.
Aleros says: I'm not sure if it does anything, many of the crows had anklets, some had collars, some nothing at all.
Haemon frowns.
Threnn says: We can try taking it off.
Haemon says: So they might -all- be trapped people?
Aleros says: There are more undoubtedly.
Fells says: How many, Ale?
Skyborne flappy wings.
Aleros says: Fifty? A hundred? Some may come and go, there are crows all over icecrown
Skyborne lands on Bellesta head.
Skyborne loooooooms.
Bellesta looks up.
Aleros says: I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are Vrykul though
Aleros says: Although I imagine they would reward freeing them with not attacking you.
Fells says: Long's it ain't our folk.
Laurus says: Under the collar, she said.
Laurus says: Any volunteers?
Fells says: Lemme.
Skyborne leans down and rubs glossy black head against top of Bellesta head.
Skyborne flits down.
Fells clambers out of the sidecar.
Laurus says: Take it away, dear!
Fells says: A'right now...
Fells says: Flap still, if'n y'can.
Skyborne tries to stay perfectly still.
Skyborne trills and whistles prettily.
Fells carefully sets nimble fingers to the thing. After a moment of trying, she frowns.
Skyborne starts staring at Fells hair.
Fells says: C'mon, now...
Fells 's frown deepens.
Fells scowls.
Fells says: Come the Nether...
Fells mrrfles.
Skyborne jerks with her jerks. She's trying hard not to move though.
Haemon says: I doubt she would make it that easy to fix.
Bellesta says: Does it not come off?
Fells says: This thing ain't budgin' fer me.
Fells says: Any else wanna shot?
Ilarra sticks her cigarette in her mouth, and reaches into a pocket.
Skyborne lands on post.
Ilarra offers Fells a Global Thermal Sapper Charge.
Bellesta says: I would be afraid to hurt Sky.
Skyborne looks a little worn out.
Laurus says: Maybe we can cut it off?
Fells says: I near was. Might -- good call.
Fells produces a blade frmo somewhere. Okay, that's a smidge unnerving.
Ilarra frowns.
Ilarra puts the Global Thermal Sapper Charge away again.
Fells says: Hold riiiiight still no.
Fells bends to the post, slipping the blade between feathers and collar.
Skyborne tries not to look as fucking terrified as she feels.
Fells saws at it gently. Then less than gently.
Laurus watches intently.
Fells grunts and pulls away, visibly frustrated.
Fells says: Whassis damn thing made'a.
Haemon says: Something enchanted, clearly.
Fells says: Only makes sense.
Ilarra says: 's the thing got a latch on it?
Laurus says: Did she say the bug -was- the collar?
Fells strokes the sleek tiny bird head with a finger.
Haemon says: Under it.
Fells says: Ayeh, Larra. Damned if'n I could git it, though.
Laurus says: Hrm. Might be adamantium or something.
Fells says: I ain't the best, but m'still damn good.
Aleros says: Is it metal?
Laurus eyes Hawk Owl up and down.
Skyborne coo.
Ilarra says: Oughta talk to ap D or Underhill. And an enchanter. All at once.
Fells says: Ain't. Some manner'a leather. Couldn' place it if'n I tried.
Laurus says: Can't help but notice that the damn thing's -forked- with flows.
Laurus says: Magical flows, you know.
Aleros says: Seems I need to pay a witch a visit.
Fells takes a step away.
Laurus says: Well, hang on, I have an idea!
Skyborne says: Caw.
Laurus says: Think we could yank them away?
Ilarra glances at Laurus.
Laurus says: Would that be safe, Sky?
Fells says: Yank whatsit?
Ilarra offers a Global Thermal Sapper Charge?
Laurus says: The flows! I just -said-!
Fells points at Ilarra.
Skyborne CAWS - loudly - at Ilarra.
Fells says: Not on m'farm.
Ilarra giggles and puts it back away.
Haemon says: You would know better than anyone else here, Laurus.
Fells smirks slyly at Ilarra.
Laurus says: Yeah. I guess so.
Skyborne says: Caw.
Skyborne fluffs up.
Fells says: Whatcha think, Laz?
Laurus says: Hey, Sky! Get over here!
Skyborne flaps in face.
Aleros sits on the fence.
Fells keeps a good range.
Skyborne wants to peck at him SO BADLY.
Skyborne whistle.
Laurus watches the bouncing bird ponderously. His eyes aren't trained on her, exactly, moreso the air surrounding.
Skyborne tuts.
Laurus says: Alright. Let's see.
Fells keeps a better range.
Fells says: Threnny?
Fells beckons Threnn over.
Threnn says: Yeah?
Fells says: Jest in case.
Threnn lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Threnn says: All right.
Laurus extends a gloved hand which pulses with arcane energy. It grabs the flows and yanks, rending and bursting the fat snakes. A counterspell, in short.
Fells says: There ain't much time left, don' wanna botch it up now.
Laurus frowns.
Fells soothes Threnn. There, there...things will be ok.
Laurus says: Well. It worked. Kind of.
Haemon says: Kind of?
Laurus says: Not reading any magic anymore.
Fells says: Issat good?
Skyborne says: Caw!
Haemon says: But clearly, that was not the key to all of it.
Laurus says: I think whatever attached it was keeping a sympathetic connection. So, that's very good.
Laurus says: Try taking it off now, eh?
Laurus shrugs. Who knows?
Fells says: Right'n. C'mere you.
Skyborne flits over to Fells.
Ilarra says: If I can offer, Sky, you do make a right pretty bird. For what it's worth.
Skyborne ruffles feathers.
Laurus says: It could be worse, really.
Laurus says: I mean, you could always be dead!
Fells forgoes the blade, first trying the buckle. She couldn't be more surprised when it gives, as easily and prettily as you please.
Fells blinks.
Ilarra says: Helpful, mate.
Skyborne caws excitedly.
Skyborne flap flap.
Fells dangles the thing from thumb and forefinger.
Fells says: Huh.
Threnn says: Well, now.
Fells says: How d'ya like that.
Skyborne goes over to paper.
Skyborne F.
Skyborne I.
Skyborne N.
Skyborne D.
Laurus says: Told you!
Aleros makes a beckoning motion.
Laurus says: Ha!
Haemon says: Find?
Fells grins.
Aleros holds out his hand.
Skyborne flits over to Aleros and lands on his hand, as pretty as you please.
Ilarra says: Looking for the bug, I'd think, next part is.
Threnn says: Find what?
Laurus says: The bug, must mean.
Ilarra says: Bet it's a tick. Gross.
Ilarra smokes her cigarette.
Fells holds the collar out to Laurus. Look, she brought a present for him.
Aleros lowers his head and closes his eyes, when he reopens them his eyes are green, but there's a black mist coming from them.
Laurus accepts it and holds it up to his face critically.
Laurus tucks it away in his reagent pouch.
Ilarra says: Laurus.
Laurus says: Eh?
Aleros grunts and his eyes return to their yellow glow, he makes a turn around motion with his finger.
Ilarra says: Send a case of wine your way if you'll copy how that thing works onto paper for me.
Laurus smirks slyly at Ilarra.
Skyborne turns around
Laurus says: Five hundred, no less.
Laurus says: And you know it's probably arcane.
Fells nudges him gently in the side.
Fells says: Laz.
Laurus says: Oof!
Aleros reaches under some neck feathers, pulling out a large black beetle, it squirms before a claw goes through its fat abdomen.
Ilarra says: Was gonna send to an oh-three, 's worth six hundred at least anyway.
Laurus peers at Aleros searchingly.
Skyborne flops onto the ground, as naked as a jay bird.
Fells smiles at you.
Threnn kneels down.
Fells says: Sky!
Ilarra says: Well now. Prettier as a girl.
Laurus says: I'll be damned.
Fells says: One tick. I'll snag a cloak.
Haemon blinks at you.
Fells rushes inside.
Laurus says: Fine job, druid!
Aleros has a clawed finger, with a bettle skewered on it.
Threnn runs Light-filled hands over Sky, looking for injuries.
Aleros says: You broke the magic, I just removed the bug.
Aleros holds the beetle out to his right.
Ilarra says: Ale.
Fells kneels before you.
Haemon peers at it.
Ilarra makes hopeful grabby hands at the bug.
Fells tugs a Shifting Cloak up over the girl.
Skyborne looks grimy and dirty, and her hair is an odd, darker color.
Fells says: Hey, hey now. Shh. Yer fine. Everthin's jest fine.
Haemon says: Not any bug I have ever seen.
Fells glances up at Threnn. She's just fine, right?
Aleros has his hand held out, beetle still skewerd on the claw.
Skyborne shivers.
Haemon delicately plucks the bug off.
Fells rubs her arms briskly.
Threnn says: Going to need some care. Hell of a lot of rest.
Fells says: Laz, water?
Ilarra says: Make some warmth for her first, mage.
Laurus says: Sure!
Threnn whispers spells of cleansing and purification.
Aleros says: It's no good to you dead I imagine, but they're in jars.
Threnn says: Nothing broken, but gods only know where the witch had her sleeping.
Laurus passes over a conjured glass.
Ilarra makes grabby hands at Haemon now.
Skyborne licks her lips and looks up. If possible she looks even skinnier than usual.
Ilarra says: Lemme see?
Fells offers him a warm smile.
Fells says: Here now, little.
A sly smirk spreads across Laurus's face.
Fells holds the water to her lips.
Haemon sighs and hands the bug to Ilarra.

Fells says: Jest a sip. C'mon.
Skyborne slurps.
Threnn keeps the Light flowing into Sky, as much for warmth as to try driving out disease and sickness.
Laurus says: Wait, hang on, warmth?
Laurus says: I don't do -warmth-, I do burn!
Laurus says: Thanks, Ale.
Laurus nods at the campfire.
Threnn says: You can't control your fire enough to make a small one?
Fells says: Laz, c'mon. Y'done it fer me afore.
Skyborne looks at Fells.
Skyborne says: . . . you got old hair.
Skyborne blinks.
Laurus says: ...That was different, Fells.
Ilarra eyes the bug between her fingers for a moment, wearing a truly delighted grin, before vanishing it away inside a pocket. If only she had any pockets, we'd know where it had gone.
Fells says: Git over here an' try? Please.
Aleros peers over.
Laurus says: Alright, alright, fine!
Laurus kneels down.
Aleros looks at Ilarra.
Skyborne purrs quietly.
Laurus says: Break the collar, mage. Make the water, mage. Make me warm, mage.
Fells murmurs direction to him. "Gentlelike, now."
Aleros says: Laz. You're doing her good, don't stop now.
Ilarra says: It's what you're for, mage.
Skyborne says: Thank you Laurus.
Skyborne rasps it and stretches a leg out. Why's it so drafty?
Laurus lays a hand over the bare druid's forehead. There's no other visible sign of the transfered warmth.
Laurus says: That feel better?
Skyborne purrs louder.
Fells leans to her left, whispering.
Laurus lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Haemon says: I would think getting her off the cold stone would be the best move toward warmth.
Fells grins wickedly at Laurus.
Aleros puts his hand on Ilarra's shoulder.
Aleros leans in.
Laurus smirks slyly at Fells.
Fells says: Mmn? 'greed.
Ilarra glances up and smiles an evil smile.
Laurus says: Yeah. Inside.
Fells says: Shad, d'ya mind gittin' her?
Ilarra says: I'm good at those, Mr. Druid.
Haemon nods.
Haemon kneels down.
Skyborne purrs at Haemon.
Fells makes room.
Ilarra smiles wider.
Haemon lifts Sky, wrapping her as much in the cloak as he can.
Threnn moves away to let Haemon in.
Laurus says: She can stay as long as she likes, Ale.
Fells says: C'mon. There ain't a dwarf on a bed inside, promise.
Aleros says: So long as they're not used to harm those not deserving.
Haemon carries.
Aleros says: Sey will be visiting, probably with Khal.
Laurus says: Better give her rest,
Fells says: S'jest a odd-shaped pillow.
Laurus says: Uh-huh?
You lie down.
Fells smiles at Haemon.
Skyborne says: Thanks Shad.
Haemon smiles at you.
Skyborne yawns huge. Like unhinges her jaw huge.
Haemon says: You are welcome. Do not fly off without your box again.
Skyborne says: Uh huh.
Haemon raps her on the skull lightly.
Skyborne winces.
Fells says: We best let her rest up. She can stay here long's she needs leastaways.
Haemon nods.
Fells smiles at you.
Haemon says: Sleep well, Sky. Call if you need anything.
Fells says: Y'sleep up, little.
Haemon says: Like clothes.
Skyborne says: . . . clothes are overrated.
Skyborne smothers face in pillow.
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse or I'll lay your soul to waste.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Aleros »

Make her writhe, make her weep, make her suffer, she did this to you.

"She needs a lesson, that is for sure, a nightmare, but something to let her know that I am more than capable of..." Aleros's thought stopped.

Yes, you want her to cry, you want her weak and at your knees.

"I don't want to... I could kill her. I could rip the body she has to shreds then send her to..." He stopped again. Death?

She hurt your loved one, and she may do more, do not let her do it again.

"You're full of bright ideas. Alright then, what do you suggest? Something that does not involve murder."

The voice was silent a moment. Humans are... weak. They fear the dark, the unknown. They descended from great warriors, but those great warriors were at one time weak and frail. They fear predators. Without their weapons and iron skin, they are nothing but swines.

He grunted.

Her heart shall beat, she will sweat in the cold of her cave, fear will overtake all logic.

Aleros was sitting cross-legged on one of the floating islands around Dalaran. His eyes were open, but green, and a dark, thick black mist poured forth from his eyes, an unfelt wind carrying it west into the mountains of Icecrown. He entered the dreamscape. He saw her, the setting had been lain out for him. There she was, the Bone Witch. Was this really her? She looked different. Yes it had to be. She was picking herbs, medicinal and magical. He came closer, there was a crack, she stood up suddenly and whipped about to face him. Her eyes filled with horror and she ran, dropping the herbs.

Chase her, chase her! She is your prey!

He felt the urge, a hunger. He was the predator. His blood was hot as she ran off into the forest. He leaped off after her, the form of a great black panther. He did not see but in his wake he left a wispy black trail through the dreamscape.

Convince them that they're something other than what they are. That is the easy part. That is what a dream is, the mind convincing itself of something that may or may not be true, and we... you can manipulate that.

"I know that, I've just never dabbled in altering dreams before."

She breathed hard as she ran from him. She ran out of breath quickly and as her pace began to slow and her gait faltered, a tree root caught her foot.

The large cat caught up to her. He seemed rather unsure of what to do with her at first, but she was terrified all the same. He lifted a paw, pushing it down on her abdomen. She coughed and sputtered, speaking incoherently. It sounded like begging.

You let that end far too fast.

"No, it's not done yet. The chase was the start." He felt a fourth presence in the dreamscape. The shadowed forest became even darker.
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Re: The Descent.

Post by Varenna »

"My turn, boys," said the voice with the echo in it, then giggled.

The forest dissipated into blackness.

The Bone Witch thought she woke, and screamed. She looked around her. Gradually her pulse relaxed. Her cave was as it always was. Things bubbled and twitched on the walls. Night spilled in through the mouth.

Out of it, the shadow undispersed. It wore a revealing black dress and the silhouettes of spectacles. It paused to light a cigarette.

"You fucked up, pet. The rule is: If you're gonna fuck with someone who's badder than you, make sure you're not caught."

Smoke plumed and gathered on the ceiling. The Bone Witch couldn't speak; couldn't move.

"Look down."

She did. She raised a hand at the sudden pain, and as she watched, the flesh rotted away from the bone. It fell off with a splat on the stone floor, which then dissolved with the rest of the cave.


The memory of a high elf woke, and screamed. Herself again. Her bedroom. Thank the Light. She clutched her blankets to her face, sobbing into them, until gradually her pulse relaxed. The reassuring weight of her husband lay in bed next to her. Eventually she stopped shaking. She wiped her eyes, then lowered her blankets.

"It has been remarked," said the shadow, sitting on the decaying chest of the high elf's dead husband, "That the best method of demonstrating an indescribable action is to not display it at all." It lit a new cigarette. "Say a playwriter has to show how a blademaster defeats a half dozen armed bandits. That shit's expensive, and no actor could manage it convincingly. But we know a real blademaster could. So he puts his hand on his sword, and the lights cut out. We hear shouts and running feet and metal on metal, and metal on flesh, and then it's done. The lights come up. The bandits are on the floor, the sword is sheathed again. We din't see it, but we know what happened. Follow?"

The high elf nodded. She whimpered, reached, and tried to stroke her dead husband's hair. It snapped off, dry and brittle, then it crumbled. She choked a sob.

"This principle," continued the shadow, watching, smiling, "Applies to all genres, including horror."

The smaller shadows, shaped like tentacles, sprung from the bed and wrapped against the high elf's fragile limbs. They pinned her, then tightened so hard she arched. She cried out. The greater shadow smiled.

"Still following, Lady Nightswood?"

The high elf blinked tearily. "That's not my name...."

"Not yet," said the shadow.

The lights went out, and shortly, amid splatters, slithers, and detailed inner organic sounds, the high elf's agonized screams sounded.

The shadow giggled. The high elf didn't stop screaming.

"In a little bit, I'll reanimate your husband and we'll see what fun we can have with him."

The dark thickened, populated. The screams got louder.

"If you're real good, pet, I'll let you watch when I go to hunt your children down."

The lights didn't come on again.

"Say, this is fun, boys. How long do I get to keep her, again?"
Personal isn't the same as important.
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