If you are a real person and would like to join this board

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If you are a real person and would like to join this board

Post by Threnn »


A while back, we were getting several spam accounts registered per day, and they'd drop in here and posts their ads for Russian pr0nz and male enhancement drugs and free rolexes and whatever, and we'd sigh, roll our eyes, and delete them. Sometimes we'd giggle at the found poetry in their nonsense text. The sheer volume of them got obnoxious, though, so Tarq set the board's registration to "admins must approve new accounts."

That worked out pretty well for a good long time. We'd get an email when someone tried signing up for the board, and if they were real we let 'em through. If they were trying to sell us shit from a dubious IP, we banninated them.

Problem is, they've really ramped it up. Which means I'm waking up to 20+ "activate user account" emails every morning, and get a new one every half hour or so during the day. (And all the officers get them too, so right now, it looks like I'm spamming their inboxes.) I'm spending 20-30 minutes cleaning shit out and banhammering spambots every day, and it's become sort of a Sisyphean task.


For the time being, I've disabled the ability to create new accounts on the WFR boards. If you are a real person who is somehow part of our little nerd community -- be that someone we know from in-game or WoW blogs or on teh twitterz -- and would like to set up an account so you can bullshit with us and see our otherwise-hidden art forum, ping one of the admins and we'll get you sorted. I think most of us have our email addresses visible in our profiles. If not, shoot us an in-game mail, @ one of us on twitter, or send a carrier pigeon to the Pacific Northwest, where it's sure to fly into a Rider eventually.

I do plan to drag the forums screaming into the 'teens and upgrade to phpbb 3.whatever at some point, so that might alleviate some of the spammery. But for now...

TL;DR -- new account creation disabled. If you aren't here to sell pr0n, contact and admin and we'll get you registered.

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Re: If you are a real person and would like to join this board

Post by Gryphonheart »

Some posts from the phpBB boards that may be helpful to you, Threnn:

Preventing Spam in 3.0.5 and Lower
Preventing Spam in phpBB 3.0.6 and Above

I've heard very good things about the Q&A Captcha available in 3.0.6 and above, especially if you can ask a question that isn't Google-able (such as "Finish this statement: Lies and _____!")
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Re: If you are a real person and would like to join this board

Post by Shad »

What Gryph said. I've had extremely good luck with the personalized Q&A Captcha on the Rose forums; I think I've gotten maybe one possible spammer who got through to the admin activation stage.
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Re: If you are a real person and would like to join this board

Post by Fells »

What about those of us who are already registered, but are here to sell pronz?
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Re: If you are a real person and would like to join this board

Post by Bricu »

Fells wrote:What about those of us who are already registered, but are here to sell pronz?
Make sure you still give your officers a cut. Or we will cut you.
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Re: If you are a real person and would like to join this board

Post by Chrystenise »

Bricu wrote:
Fells wrote:What about those of us who are already registered, but are here to sell pronz?
Make sure you still give your officers a cut. Or we will cut you.
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